Benefits of Physical Exercise/Activities

Physical Exercise is the miracle cure and can reduce your risk of major illnesses. It is always possible (available) as far as you are determined to cary it out during your allocated daily times, free, easy to take, has an immediate effect and you don’t need to get prescriptions from your doctors!

Regular physical activity is one of the most important free things we can do in our life to improve our general health. It helps us to to fight against almost all of the major health problems, improves our sexual performance, and also to Controls our weight.

Researchers confirmed that regular physical activity can help to reduce the risk for several diseases and health conditions. It also improve your overall quality of life and production. Physical exercise protects us from the following health problems.

It has also reported that physically active adults are able to fight against depression, anxiety and declines in cognitive function: includes thinking, learning, and judgment skills as they get older.

Fights against cardiovascular disease

Fights against diabetes and metabolic syndrome

Fights against all forms of cancers

Build and strengthen your bones and muscles

Improve your mental health and mood

Improves blood cholesterol level

Improves your mood and feel more relaxed and sleep better

Improves the shape of your body and fitness

Exercise may also change levels of chemicals in your brain Improve your ability to do daily activities and prevent falls

i.e Increase your chances of living longer

Some people may not be sure about becoming active or boosting their feeling of physical activities because they are afraid of getting hurt. But they need to know that even moderate activities, like brisk walking and bowing and erecting your body for several minutes are generally safe for most people.

Time: It varies depending on your age, health condition, the type of exercise you conduct and the time that you can spare at that particular day. But it is good to aim for at least 30 -45 minutes a day.

Main Types of Physical Activity

The four main types of physical activity are aerobic, muscle-strengthening, bone-strengthening, and stretching. Aerobic activity benefits your heart and lungs the most.

Aerobic Activity

Aerobic activity moves your large muscles, such as those in your arms and legs. Running, swimming, walking, biking, dancing, and doing jumping jacks are examples of aerobic activity. Aerobic activity also is called endurance activity.

Aerobic activity makes your heart beat faster than usual. You also breathe harder during this type of activity. Over time, regular aerobic activity makes your heart and lungs stronger and able to work better.

Other Types of Physical Activity

The other types of physical activity—muscle-strengthening, bone strengthening, and stretching—benefit your body in other ways.

Muscle-strengthening activities improve the strength, power, and endurance of your muscles. Doing pushups and situps, lifting weights, climbing stairs, and digging in the garden are examples of muscle-strengthening activities.

With bone-strengthening activities, your feet, legs, or arms support your body’s weight, and your muscles push against your bones. This helps make your bones strong. Running, walking, jumping rope, and lifting weights are examples of bone-strengthening activities.

Muscle-strengthening and bone-strengthening activities also can be aerobic. Whether they are depends on whether they make your heart and lungs work harder than usual. For example, running is an aerobic activity and a bone-strengthening activity.

Stretching helps improve your flexibility and your ability to fully move your joints. Touching your toes, doing side stretches, and doing yoga exercises are examples of stretching.

Levels of Intensity in Aerobic Activity

You can do aerobic activity with light, moderate, or vigorous intensity. Moderate- and vigorous-intensity aerobic activity is better for your heart than light-intensity activity. However, even light-intensity activity is better than no activity at all.

The level of intensity depends on how hard you have to work to do the activity. People who are less fit usually have to work harder to do an activity than people who are more fit. Thus, what is light-intensity activity for one person may be moderate-intensity for another.

Light- and Moderate-Intensity Activities

Light-intensity activities are common daily tasks that don’t require much effort. Moderate-intensity activities make your heart, lungs, and muscles work harder than usual.

On a scale of 0 to 10, moderate-intensity activity is a 5 or 6. It causes noticeable increases in breathing and heart rate. A person doing moderate-intensity activity can talk but not sing.

Vigorous-Intensity Activities

Vigorous-intensity activities make your heart, lungs, and muscles work hard. On a scale of 0 to 10, vigorous-intensity activity is a 7 or 8. A person doing vigorous-intensity activity can’t say more than a few words without stopping for a breath.

Examples of Aerobic Activities

Below are examples of aerobic activities. Depending on your level of fitness, they can be light, moderate, or vigorous in intensity:

Gardening, such as digging or hoeing that causes your heart rate to go up

Walking, hiking, jogging, and running

Water aerobics or swimming laps

Biking, skateboarding, rollerblading, and jumping rope

Ballroom dancing and aerobic dancing

Tennis, soccer, hockey, and basketball

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